16. marca 2014

TaiKai Slovakia 2014 - Lubos Pokorny Shihan

TaiKai Slovakia 2014 - Lubos Pokorny Shihan
SEMINAR THEME: Ten Ryaku No Maki, Shinobi ken, hanbo
WHAT TO BRING: training cloths and weapons, mat & sleeping bag
Overnight stay at the gym - in the price of the seminar
ACCOMMODATION at pension - at own expenses (please inform us well ahead to help you book the accommodation)
CONTACT: bujinkan@takayama.sk
Téma seminára: Ten Ryaku No Maki, Shinobi ken, hanbo
SO SEBOU: veci a zbrane na tréning, spacák, karimatka
PRESPANIE v telocvični v cene seminára / ubytovanie v penzióne na vlastné náklady
KONTAKT: bujinkan@takayama.sk